Diffraction Apparatus (DAK)
Specifications and User Guide

– Primary Test: Connect the translation sensor and light sensor to an interface. The translation sensor will not auto-ID on LabPro. Move the light sensor on the translation stage. Determine if the reading changes. On any light sensor range, expose the sensor to room light and then cover it. Does the reading change? Apply power to the laser. Does it light?

– Secondary Test: Perform an intensity vs. position measurement for a 0.04 mm single slit. Position the laser on the track about 10 cm from the slit assembly. Set the laser to pass through the 0.04 mm single slit. Position the stage unit at the far end of the track facing the slits. Adjust the laser vertical position so that the pattern falls half-way up the entrance slit on the light sensor. Adjust the laser horizontal position for the brightest pattern. Choose 10 uW range. Move the stage to the extreme right. With the connections used for the primary test, choose New from the File menu in either Logger Pro or LabQuest App.

Click collect; slowly, over the course of 15-20 seconds, move the stage across the diffraction pattern. Observe the pattern on screen.

What is the tolerance on the slits and lasers of the Diffraction Apparatus?

Red Laser Wavelength: 635 ±5 nm
Optional Green Laser Wavelength 532 ±1 nm
Light Sensor Full Scale Ranges: 1, 10, and 100 µW
Linear Position Sensor range: 150 mm
Linear Position Sensor resolution: 40 µm
The Red Diffraction Laser and Green Diffraction Laser are both Class 2 laser products.

Slit configurations:
Single Slits (4 different widths)
Double Slits: (4 configurations varying width and separation)
Variable Single Slit: 0.02 – 0.2 mm width, continuous variation
Variable Double slit: 0.04 mm width, variable spacing 0.125 – 0.75 mm, continuous variation
Multiple Slits: 2, 3, 4, and 5 slits
Comparisons: 4 pairs of slits for comparisons between number, width, and separation
Other shapes: Slit and line comparison, and hole comparison.

Not required or possible

Optics Expansion Kit (OEK)