Top FAQs
How do I access Logger Pro 3 installers and passwords from my account on the Vernier website?
How can I install Logger Pro on several computers? Is there an MSI file or a silent installer?
How do I use the silent installer for Graphical Analysis/Spectral Analysis/Instrumental Analysis?
Do you have silent installers for software other than Logger Pro, Graphical Analysis, Spectral Analysis, or Instrumental Analysis?
How do I deploy the Logger Pro silent installer with Group Policy?
What is your site license policy for Logger Pro and LabQuest Viewer computer software?
Is there a way to activate Graphical Analysis Pro at install time?
How do Vernier annual licenses work?
What is your privacy policy for Graphical Analysis and other Vernier applications?

Accessing Software Installers and Passwords
How do I access Logger Pro 3 installers and passwords from my account on the Vernier website?
Note: Instructors and IT staff in the United States can create an account on the Vernier website. Once your school’s Logger Pro site license has been verified, instructors can easily use the account to distribute Logger Pro directly to students and the IT team. Although web accounts and the software verification system are optimized for instructor use, IT staff are welcome to create an account. If the school’s license is not verified automatically, you will need to fill out a license verification request form (available in your account profile). Please allow 1-2 business days for a customer support specialist to process your license verification request.

Bonus Tip for IT: When creating the account, do not use your personal e-mail address. Use an account that any IT staff at your school can access, such as That way, if someone else does the installation next year, you can document the process and login info for them.
How do I create an account on the Vernier website?
Can international customers create an account on the Vernier website?
Vernier Website Accounts Troubleshooting and FAQs
How do I distribute Logger Pro 3 to my students?

Silent Installers
How can I install Logger Pro on several computers? Is there an MSI file or a silent installer?
Does Logger Pro work with Universal Imaging Utility?
How do I use the silent installer for Graphical Analysis/Spectral Analysis/Instrumental Analysis?
Do you have silent installers for software other than Logger Pro, Graphical Analysis, Spectral Analysis, or Instrumental Analysis?

Installation Issues
Why is the Logger Pro installer asking me for a password?
Common causes of problems with the silent installer
Windows Pre-Logger Pro 3.11 original LabQuest and LabQuest Mini, and pre-3.12 LabPro drivers
Are the LabQuest 2 or LabQuest 3 device drivers installed correctly?
My Windows computer fails to install a driver when using LabQuest Viewer software with a LabQuest 2 via USB connection.
How do I install the Jungo WinDriver for LabPro, LabQuest, and LabQuest Mini manually?
Why does Logger Pro installer for 3.8.5 or newer complain about "unknown publisher" when I attempt to install?

Site License Policy
What is your site license policy for Logger Pro and LabQuest Viewer computer software?

Networking Guides for using LabQuest 2 & LabQuest 3 via WiFi

More user manuals are available at
Networking for LabQuest 2 and LabQuest 3—FAQ and Troubleshooting
Data Sharing - Connected Science System FAQ and Troubleshooting
LabQuest Viewer Computer Software Troubleshooting and FAQs

Other FAQs
Can I install Logger Pro 3 to run from a server or network location?
Will Logger Pro or Logger Lite work in a thin client environment?
Why does Windows complain that the device drivers aren't signed?
Which printers are supported in LabQuest?
How do I connect LabQuest to a printer?
LabQuest Printer Configuration (advanced)
Google will stop supporting Chrome Packaged Apps for ChromeOS.
What domains need to be allow-listed for Vernier Connections?

Bluetooth Help and Troubleshooting Tips are available at