Using the correct power supply will ensure the equipment is receiving the correct voltage, adequate current, and (importantly) the correct polarity.


LabQuest 3 (LABQ3) uses the LabQuest® Power Supply (LQ3-PS). (The LabQuest 3 can also be powered using a LabQuest Power Supply (LQ-PS, discontinued). However, using this power supply will not charge the battery of the LabQuest 3.)

LabQuest 2 (LABQ2) and LabQuest (LABQ) can be powered with either the LabQuest® Power Supply (LQ3-PS) or the LabQuest Power Supply (LQ-PS, discontinued).

LabPro (LABPRO) uses the Power Supply for LabPro, WDSS, and Stir Station (IPS).

Unit specifications Voltage Current Polarity
Lab Quest Power Supply 5 V 1500 mA center positive
LabQuest 3 Power Supply 5 V 2500 mA center positive
Vernier AC Adapter 6 V 1000 mA center negative

Charging stations

LabQuest 2 Charge Station (LQ2-CRG) and Go Direct® Charge Station (GDX-CRG) use Go Direct® Charge Station Power Supply (GDX-CRG-PS).

Go Wireless® Charging Station (GW-CRG, discontinued) uses the LabQuest® Power Supply (LQ3-PS) or the LabQuest Power Supply (LQ-PS, discontinued).

Related articles:

What power supplies can I use with mBot?

What power supplies can I use with the DCU?