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pH Sensor

pH Sensor

pH Sensor


Our general-purpose pH Sensor can be used across disciplines, including chemistry, biology, middle school science, and environmental science.

ORDER CODE: PH-BTA Categories ,

Use the pH Sensor just as you would a traditional pH meter with the additional advantages of automated data collection, graphing, and data analysis. Typical activities using our pH sensor include:

  • Acid-base titrations
  • Studies of household acids and bases
  • Monitoring pH change during chemical reactions or in an aquarium as a result of photosynthesis
  • Investigations of acid rain and buffering
  • Analysis of water quality in streams and lakes

If you are studying Tris buffers or semisolids such a soil slurry, consider the Vernier Tris-Compatible Flat pH Sensor.

pH Sensor - Tech Tips with Vernier
pH Sensor - Tech Tips (5:14)
Acid-Base Titration (LabQuest)
Acid-Base Titration (LabQuest) (5:26)

Additional Videos


  • Range: pH 0–14
  • Accuracy with new electrode (pH): ±0.2
  • Type: Sealed, gel-filled, polycarbonate body, Ag/AgCl reference, single junction
  • Shaft Diameter: 12 mm OD
  • Storage solution: pH-4/KCl solution (10 g KCl in 100 mL buffer pH-4 solution)


Middle School (15 experiments)
High School (59 experiments)
ExperimentLab Book
Investigating Acid-Base TitrationsVernier Chemistry Investigations for Use with AP* Chemistry
The Buffering Ability of Commercial ProductsVernier Chemistry Investigations for Use with AP* Chemistry
Testing the Effectiveness of a BufferVernier Chemistry Investigations for Use with AP* Chemistry
Investigating Water HardnessVernier Chemistry Investigations for Use with AP* Chemistry
The Acidity of Juice and Soft DrinksVernier Chemistry Investigations for Use with AP* Chemistry
Identifying an Unknown SubstanceVernier Chemistry Investigations for Use with AP* Chemistry
Acids and BasesAgricultural Science with Vernier
Water MonitoringInvestigating Biology through Inquiry
Buffer InvestigationsInvestigating Biology through Inquiry
Interdependence of Plants and AnimalsBiology with Vernier
Acid RainBiology with Vernier
Watershed TestingBiology with Vernier
Physical Profile of a LakeBiology with Vernier
Acids and BasesBiology with Vernier
Investigating IndicatorsAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Separation and Qualitative Analysis of CationsAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Separation and Qualitative Analysis of AnionsAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
BuffersAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Determining the Ksp of Calcium HydroxideAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Determining Ka by the Half-Titration of a Weak AcidAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Standardizing a Solution of Sodium HydroxideAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Acid-Base TitrationAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Long Term Water MonitoringInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
Acid-Base Properties of Household ProductsInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
The Effect of Acid Deposition on Aqueous SystemsInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
Acid-Base TitrationsInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
Baking Soda and Vinegar Investigations RevisitedInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
Household Acids and BasesChemistry with Vernier
Acid RainChemistry with Vernier
Titration Curves of Strong and Weak Acids and BasesChemistry with Vernier
Acid-Base TitrationChemistry with Vernier
Titration of a Diprotic Acid: Identifying an UnknownChemistry with Vernier
Acid Dissociation Constant, KaChemistry with Vernier
Time-Release Vitamin C TabletsChemistry with Vernier
The Buffer in LemonadeChemistry with Vernier
Determining the Phosphoric Acid Content in Soft DrinksChemistry with Vernier
Microscale Acid-Base TitrationChemistry with Vernier
Data Display and Acidity TesterVernier Engineering Projects with LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3
Aquarium MonitorVernier Engineering Projects with LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3
Soil pHInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Soil and Acid RainInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Water Cycle Column InvestigationsInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Decomposition Column InvestigationsInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Ecocolumn InvestigationsInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
The Effect of Acid Deposition on Aquatic EcosystemsInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
A Pollution StudyInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Water QualityInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Long Term Water MonitoringInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Water TreatmentInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Water TreatmentEarth Science with Vernier
Drug TestsForensics with Vernier
No DumpingForensics with Vernier
Household Acids and BasesPhysical Science with Vernier
Acid RainPhysical Science with Vernier
Sour Chemistry - The Exponential pH ChangeReal-World Math with Vernier
Titration Curves: An Application of the Logistic FunctionReal-World Math with Vernier
AlkalinityWater Quality with Vernier
Physical Profile of a LakeWater Quality with Vernier
pHWater Quality with Vernier
College (35 experiments)
ExperimentLab Book
Acids and BasesAgricultural Science with Vernier
Water MonitoringInvestigating Biology through Inquiry
Buffer InvestigationsInvestigating Biology through Inquiry
Interdependence of Plants and AnimalsBiology with Vernier
Acid RainBiology with Vernier
Watershed TestingBiology with Vernier
Physical Profile of a LakeBiology with Vernier
Acids and BasesBiology with Vernier
Investigating IndicatorsAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Separation and Qualitative Analysis of AnionsAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
BuffersAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Determining the Ksp of Calcium HydroxideAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Determining Ka by the Half-Titration of a Weak AcidAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Standardizing a Solution of Sodium HydroxideAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Acid-Base TitrationAdvanced Chemistry with Vernier
Long Term Water MonitoringInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
Acid-Base Properties of Household ProductsInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
The Effect of Acid Deposition on Aqueous SystemsInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
Acid-Base TitrationsInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
Baking Soda and Vinegar Investigations RevisitedInvestigating Chemistry through Inquiry
Acid-Base TitrationChemistry with Vernier
Time-Release Vitamin C TabletsChemistry with Vernier
Soil pHInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Soil and Acid RainInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Water Cycle Column InvestigationsInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Decomposition Column InvestigationsInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Ecocolumn InvestigationsInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
The Effect of Acid Deposition on Aquatic EcosystemsInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
A Pollution StudyInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Water QualityInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Long Term Water MonitoringInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
Water TreatmentInvestigating Environmental Science through Inquiry
AlkalinityWater Quality with Vernier
Physical Profile of a LakeWater Quality with Vernier
pHWater Quality with Vernier


Choose a platform below to see its compatibility requirements.

InterfaceLabQuest App
LabQuest 3Full support
LabQuest 2Full support
LabQuestFull support
InterfaceGraphical AnalysisLogger Pro (discontinued)Logger Lite (discontinued)
LabQuest MiniFull supportFull supportFull support
LabQuest 3Full supportFull supportIncompatible
LabQuest 2Full supportFull supportFull support
LabQuest StreamFull support 1Full supportFull support 1
Go!LinkFull supportFull supportFull support
LabQuestFull supportFull supportFull support
LabProIncompatibleFull supportFull support

Compatibility Notes

  1. Connect LabQuest Stream via USB. Wireless connection is not supported.
InterfaceGraphical Analysis
LabQuest MiniFull support
LabQuest 3Full support
LabQuest 2Full support
LabQuest StreamFull support 1
Go!LinkFull support
LabQuestFull support

Compatibility Notes

  1. Connect LabQuest Stream via USB. Wireless connection is not supported.
InterfaceGraphical AnalysisGraphical Analysis GW
LabQuest StreamFull supportFull support
LabQuest 3Full support 1Full support 1
LabQuest 2Full support 1Full support 1

Compatibility Notes

  1. iOS and Androidâ„¢ devices can only connect to LabQuest 2 or LabQuest 3 via Wireless Data Sharing.
InterfaceGraphical AnalysisGraphical Analysis GW
LabQuest StreamFull supportPartial support 1
LabQuest 3Full support 2Full support 2
LabQuest 2Full support 2Full support 2

Compatibility Notes

  1. Data can be collected using the sensor’s default calibration only.
  2. iOS and Androidâ„¢ devices can only connect to LabQuest 2 or LabQuest 3 via Wireless Data Sharing.
Vernier Arduino® Interface ShieldFull support
InterfaceNI LabVIEW
SensorDAQFull support
Vernier myDAQ AdapterFull support 1
Go!LinkFull support
LabQuest MiniFull support
LabQuest StreamFull support
LabQuest 3Full support
LabQuest 2Full support
LabQuestFull support

Compatibility Notes

  1. You can only read the raw count/raw voltage output by this sensor. You must do the programming to convert to proper sensor units.
Texas Instruments
InterfaceEasyDataDataMateTI-84 SmartViewDataQuestTI-Nspire Software
EasyLinkFull support 1IncompatibleFull support 2Full supportFull support 2
CBL 2Full support 3Full support 3 4IncompatibleIncompatibleIncompatible
LabProFull support 3Full support 3 4IncompatibleIncompatibleIncompatible
TI-Nspire Lab CradleIncompatibleIncompatibleIncompatibleFull supportFull support

Compatibility Notes

  1. Use with TI-84 Plus calculators only.
  2. Requires an Easy to Go! adapter
  3. CBL 2 and LabPro interfaces cannot be used with TI-84 Plus CE calculators.
  4. DataMate cannot be used with color screen TI-84 Plus calculators; use EasyData with these calculators.

What's Included

  • Vernier pH Sensor
  • pH storage solution
  • pH storage solution bottle


AccessoryOrder CodePriceQuantity
Electrode SupportESUP$10.00
Water Depth SamplerWDS$114.00
pH Storage SolutionPH-SS$25.00
pH Buffer Capsule KitPH-BUFCAP$34.00
Replacement PartOrder CodePriceQuantity
Storage Solution Bottles (5)BTL$10.00


Educational use only: Vernier products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical, or commercial applications.