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LabVIEW Virtual Instrument Downloads for NI ELVIS

We have created an Express VI and some examples for reading Vernier Sensors with NI ELVIS. The Express VI is used to provide the calibration values for a specified sensor.

Of course, you can provide these calibration values directly in your LabVIEW code to convert the raw voltage reading to proper sensor units without the use of the Express VI. The sensors are shipped with a booklet that provides the calibration values, or (in most cases) you can determine these values by performing a simple 2-pt calibration.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Unzip/Extract the download.
  3. Open the folder.
  4. Move the folder called “NI ELVIS Examples” to a convenient spot on your computer.
  5. Open the folder called NI ELVIS Express VI.
  6. Move the folder called “Vernier Conversion VI” to the LabVIEW directory at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW X.X\user.lib\_express
  7. Open and run one of the examples from the NI ELVIS Examples folder.

Biomedical Engineering Resources

Sample Code

Download sample code and bioinstrumentation courseware for NI ELVIS from National Instruments that can be used by educators to teach biomedical engineering concepts. https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Code/Interfacing-VIs-for-Vernier-Biosensors/ta-p/3996477