Sep 8, 2014 ... ... cable that came with your particular radiation monitor. The cables can be distinguished easily, as the old BT Radiation Cable (RAD-BTD) has ...
Feb 21, 2018 ... *Vernier myDAQ Adapter (BT-MDAQ). Use this adapter if you are using ... Can I use the Radiation Monitor with LabVIEW? RELATED VERNIERÂ ...
In order to use the Go Direct Sensors via wireless with Graphical Analysis, Graphical Analysis Pro, Instrumental Analysis, or Spectral Analysis on a Mac, you...
Similarities Detect the presence of a source of radiation Monitor counts/interval (rate) as different thicknesses of a particular type of shielding are placed between the...
This radiation monitor is no longer available. Information is presented for reference only. Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTING -Primary Test: Is the 9 V battery...
Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTING -Primary Test: Connect the Radiation Monitor to an interface and launch the software (either the LabQuest App or Logger Pro...
Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTINGPrimary Test USAGE TIPSTip 1: The Radiation Monitor measures total counts during the data-collection period, including any background radiation. A simple...