There are a couple of key steps you have to take to connect your Go Direct sensors to a Linux operating system.

1) Install the “extras” support dependencies for both USB and BLE with this command line:

pip3 install godirect[USB,BLE]

It is important to have the “pip3” because if you have Python 2 installed on your computer, the Vernier files could be associated with that version.

2) You will need to provide a udev rule that allows the Go Direct device to be identified when it is plugged in to the USB port. To do this, the file attached, vstlibusb.rules, needs to be placed in your /etc/udev/rules.d folder.

Download the vstlibusb.rules file to your computer.

To move it to the proper location, you will need super-user privileges. In the Terminal, navigate to the folder containing the vstlibusb.rules file. Use this command to move the file to the /etc/udev/rules.d directory:

sudo cp vstlibusb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

The rule will not take effect until you plug in a GDX device by USB. If a GDX device is already connected to the Linux computer, disconnect it and plug it in again.

This information should apply for all Linux computers. We have a more specific TIL for only Raspberry Pi computers, see Advanced Help connecting Go Direct sensors in Python on your Raspberry Pi

For additional detail see:

Coding with Vernier Sensors and Python - Troubleshooting and FAQs