The Logitech camera is not an ideal choice for taking movies of fast-moving objects. The Logitech camera is designed more for video chatting, where a dropped frame or slightly unclear image is not noticed. In physics analysis, this can cause problems. For best results, we recommend a DV video camera.

With some adjustment, the Logitech can work as a low-cost video option. Here are some steps to improve results:

1) Since the default frame rate is only 15 frames per second (fps), you can get more data by letting the object drop further, e.g. release the object while standing on a chair.

2) When the object is moving faster, you will likely see blurred images. To get more crisp images, you need to adjust the camera’s shutter speed. The Logitech drivers allow you to do this.
     a. Insert the video capture in Logger Pro.
     b. Click the Options button. The Video Capture Options dialog box will appear. Click drag the dialog box out of the way so that you can see the live video that appears underneath the dialog box.
     c. In this dialog box, click the Camera Settings button. The Properties dialog box will appear. Click and drag that dialog box out of the way.
     d. Click the Advanced tab.
     e. Uncheck the Automatic Gain Control button.
     f. Drag the Exposure slider to the left for a faster shutter speed, e.g. 1/100.
     g. Drag the Gain to the right to add more brightness to the live video. If things are still dark, you may need to add more light.
     h. Close these dialog boxes and record the video. You should get sharper images of the moving object.

Note that you may not have these options available, as they are part of the driver installed, not Logger Pro.

3) Also in Logger Pro we limit the frame rate to 15 fps. We put that limitation in place because most of our users computers don’t do a good job of capturing at 30 fps. There are a couple ways around that limitation.
     a. You can use the Logitech software which does not force that limitation. That software will do its best to collect at 30 fps, but your computer may not be able to keep up.
     b. If your computer is capable of collecting video at 30 fps and you want to use Logger Pro, there is way to increase the Logger Pro limit up to 30 fps. If you have a fast computer, contact us and we can send you instructions for removing this limitation.

Related info:
Additional info about cameras is available in our Getting Started with Videos Guide at:
How do I collect good videos for analysis in Vernier Video Analysis, Video Physics or Logger Pro?