Use Thermal Analysis to analyze the temperatures of up to four points or regions in a thermal video taken using the FLIR ONE® Thermal Camera for iOS. The video is taken at about 8 frames per second. Temperature resolution is set to 0.1°C.

The following information applies to the Thermal Analysis Plus app. An older free Thermal Analysis app is no longer supported due to hardware changes in the FLIR cameras.

To start, open the Thermal Analysis Plus app and tap the + sign to start a new experiment. The app will prompt you to connect the FLIR ONE camera. Once you connect the camera, turn it on. The LED on the camera’s power button turns amber when you first press it, then after a few seconds it starts flashing green to indicate that the camera is ready. The app will display a thermal image.

Add a Thermometer

Tap the image where you would like the thermometer to be placed. Drag the thermometer to reposition it. A single pixel at the intersection of the two cursor lines is used to measure temperature. Pull the bottom right corner of the thermometer to expand this to a region. Scroll or tap the AVG/MIN/MAX legend to change the region from measuring average temperature in that area to measuring minimum or maximum temperature of that area.

Remove a Thermometer

Drag a thermometer to the trash can in the lower right corner of the video.

Collect Data

Tap the Record button to start and stop collecting data. Temperatures vs. time are graphed during the experiment. Because the app stores the full temperature matrix for every frame, long data collections will exceed the memory available to the application. If you require more than a minute or so of temperature data, you must use the time lapse feature to reduce the number of frames stored. For example, if you need to monitor the temperature of an object for ten minutes, collect frames at a rate of once every 2 to 8 seconds or more. More frequent frames may cause the app to become unresponsive.

Save Experiment

When the experiment ends, choose to Save or Discard Video.

Rename Experiment

Tap the i to rename the experiment.

Updating Analysis

The location, type, and number of thermometers can be changed after a video is captured. The graph will take a short time to update based on the new configuration. The graph mode can also be changed after a video is captured.

Graph Inspection

The graph includes a vertical cursor located at the time of current frame. Tap the graph to place the cursor and video at a different time.

Delete the Experiment

Swipe left in the experiment name bar to reveal the Delete button.


Tap the Share button to export a single frame of the video, the entire original video, a video with thermometers and graphs, or files for Graphical Analysis GW or Logger Pro. Note that export to Graphical Analysis (without the GW) is not supported.

Export options:

Frame exports a still image of just the thermal frame, with no thermometers showing and no graph. The image is placed in the Photos app.

Video exports a thermal video, with no thermometers or graph. The video is placed in the Photos app.

Video with Graph exports a thermal video and graph, in which the vertical cursor on the graph tracks with the video frames.

Data file exports a .cmbl file via email or AirDrop for opening in Logger Pro, or you can open the file in Graphical Analysis GW. Choose Open in…. to choose Graphical GW. Choose Copy to Graphical GW. That choice will launch Graphical Analysis GW and paste the data there. If Graphical GW isn’t on the list of apps to Open in…, choose more at the right side of that list, and add it.

Data File with Video exports a .cmbl file and a video file. Save both files into the same folder and open the .cmbl file in Logger Pro. The Logger Pro file will include the thermal video as well as the data.


On iPhone or iPod, tap the gear to access the settings. Tap the gear again to hide the settings. On iPad, the settings are always visible.


Change the color scheme that is used in the thermal video.


Change the range of temperatures that are measured in the thermal video. This feature is useful for making small variations in temperature obvious in the video. This feature is not available on older iOS devices.


If you are using the FLIR ONE® Thermal Camera oriented so that it is facing toward you, this feature allows the camera to mirror your motion.


Use this setting to align the thermal image with the outline provided by the visible light camera. This feature is not available on older iOS devices.


Change from °C to °F or K.

Graph Mode

Default lets you track up to four thermometers separately. The thermometers can be spots or rectangular regions.

Line creates four equally-spaced spot thermometers.

Delta pairs two spot thermometers or regions and graphs the difference between the temperatures measured. Up to two pairs of temperatures can be compared at once.

Time Lapse

While the maximum frames per second for video using the FLIR ONE is approximately 8 fps, the time lapse feature allows data files for long periods of time to take up less space by spreading out the frames. The frame rates and time between frame values are approximate. The maximum number of frames the app can collect will depend on the resources of the phone, but collections more than a minute should always be done in time lapse mode.

See FLIR ONE Thermal Imaging Camera and Thermal Analysis App Troubleshooting and FAQs for general information on the camera and application, including device compatibility.