My turbidity cuvette has no line to guide the volume added.August 4, 20040 The instructions for the Turbidity sensor state that the sample cuvette be filled “so that the bottom of the meniscus is at the top of...... Continue Reading →
Why does my Turbidity Sensor give me negative readings?August 4, 20040 There could be several reasons for this. 1. There is a gentle drop in the voltage response of the Turbidity Sensor for the first several...... Continue Reading →
Are the Windows and Mac experiment files the same? Can you create a file on one platform, then open it with Logger Pro on the other platform?July 16, 20040 Yes. There are three minor things to keep in mind: A) It is best to have the .mbl, .xmbl, or .cmbl extension on all files,...... Continue Reading →
Why does Logger Pro 3.1 for Mac make copies of the supplied experiment files when they are opened?July 16, 20040 This is a Mac OSX feature. Any time a file is set as stationery (a reference copy not meant for students to change) and you...... Continue Reading →
What do I do if the automatic LabPro OS update in Logger Pro 3 fails?July 16, 20040 When an older LabPro is first used with Logger Pro 3, Logger Pro will update the internal operating system software (OS) in the LabPro. That...... Continue Reading →
What kind of batteries should I use with LabPro?July 16, 20040 LabPro needs 1.5 V batteries. Standard alkaline batteries will provide 1.5V. Cheaper “heavy duty” batteries will not provide 1.5V for very long, and are not...... Continue Reading →
Why am I getting a memory error when I transfer the DataMate application to my TI-83 Plus calculator?July 16, 20040 This happens when your calculator doesn’t have enough free memory available to hold the DataMate program. You will need to delete some or all of...... Continue Reading →
Is it possible to print the displayed interpolation on a graph?July 16, 20040 It is easy to print the graph with the current interpolation. Instead of using the mouse, use the keyboard to issue a print command. control-P...... Continue Reading →
How do I get Graphical Analysis 3 or Logger Pro 3 to print the entire data table and not just part of it?July 16, 20040 Make sure you are using a 3.x.x version of Graphical Analysis or Logger Pro. Under the File menu, select Print Data Table. This will send...... Continue Reading →
Can I use a longer cable, either serial or USB, to extend the distance between my interface and the computer?July 13, 20040 It is possible to purchase or build longer cables. We suggest the following parameters for cable length. USB – The maximum cable length that we...... Continue Reading →