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CASE 2022

STEM literacy is fundamental to solving today’s local, state, national, and global problems. We are here to help you engage your students in hands-on STEM learning.

Meet the Team

We’re thrilled to provide relevant, hands-on STEM solutions for today’s educators. Thank you for visiting Vernier at the 2022 California Science Education Conference!
Tom Smith

Tom Smith

Engineering Educational Technology Specialist

Ann Hammersly

Ann Hammersly

Teacher Ambassador

John Melville, PhD

John Melville, PhD

Director of Biology

Gary Myers

Gary Myers

Director of Global Business Development

At a Glance

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Urgent Lessons: Measuring the Effects of Climate Change
Smoketree B • 10/14 • 9:40–10:55 a.m. PDT

Visit Our Booth

Visit booth 425 to interact with some of our favorite Vernier products and experiments. These products build STEM skills and allow all students to engage in real-world problem-solving around today’s top local and global challenges.

The Dynamics Cart and Track System provides students with the tools they need to explore kinematics, dynamics, momentum, and energy. This versatile system can also be easily adapted to study optics, color, and diffraction.

This powerful and versatile light sensor measures light in the visible and ultraviolet electromagnetic spectrum. It also contains a red, green, and blue (RGB) sensor. Students can use this sensor to learn about important climate change concepts, such as albedo.

KidWind helps learners gain an understanding of wind power. This kit allows students to test a variety of blade designs, generate electricity, and lift weights.

This kit is designed to help learners investigate energy transformations. Students can experiment with basic circuits and learn about important factors in photovoltaic systems.

The Kidwind simpleGEN is an easy-to-build AC generator that allows students to explore the basics of electrical generator design.

With our award-winning Graphical Analysis Pro app, students can visualize scientific data collected from Vernier sensors—boosting their understanding and engagement using rich, real-time graphs. This easy-to-use-app works on operating systems commonly found in the classroom.

Learn with Us


Urgent Lessons:
Measuring the Effects of Climate Change

Smoketree B
Date: 10/14
Time: 9:40–10:55 a.m. PDT

Download Resources

We invite you to join John Melville, director of biology, and Tom Smith, engineering expert, as we share three experiments that let students study climate change in the classroom using data-collection technology, including an investigation into the effect of carbon dioxide on ocean and freshwater pH as well as the effect albedo has on temperature and light reflectance.

“Investigating Albedo”

“Acidification of Water by CO2

“Dissolved Oxygen in Water”

Download Resources

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