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Renewable Energy with Vernier

Renewable Energy with Vernier

Renewable Energy with Vernier

Starts at $45.00

The Renewable Energy with Vernier lab book features 26 experiments in wind and solar energy. The book contains a combination of explorations, traditional experiments, inquiry investigations, engineering projects, and more.

ORDER CODE: N/A Categories ,
$59.00   Order Code: REV
$45.00   Order Code: REV-E

In Renewable Energy with Vernier, students learn about renewable energy, experiment with variables affecting power output from model wind turbines and solar panels, and engage in engineering projects such as building a wind farm or a solar charger to meet certain design criteria.

Aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), all of the experiments are designed to support students in three-dimensional learning. Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts are identified for each experiment within the Instructor pages.

Many of the experiments use the Go Direct® Energy Sensor and the Vernier Variable Load, two products that were designed to measure the power and energy output of renewable energy sources. The experiments also use the KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment KitsKidWind 2V solar panels, KidWind SimpleGEN, Go Direct Voltage, and Solar Thermal Exploration Kit.

Table of Contents

ExperimentSuggested Products
1Renewable Energy: Why is it So Important?Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor
2What is Energy?Go Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor
3Project: Energy AuditGo Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor
4Voltage and CircuitsGo Direct® Voltage Probe, Vernier Variable Load
5Current and ResistorsGo Direct® Energy Sensor
6Mechanical PowerKidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit, Meter Stick
7GeneratorsKidWind simpleGEN, Go Direct® Energy Sensor
8Exploring Wind TurbinesGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
9Effect of Load on Wind Turbine OutputGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
10Blade Variables and Power OutputGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
11SolidityGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
12Turbine EfficiencyVernier Energy Sensor, Anemometer, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
13Power CurvesVernier Energy Sensor, Anemometer, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
14Power and EnergyGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
15Project: Maximum Energy OutputGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
16Project: Build a Wind FarmGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit
17Exploring Solar PanelsGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind 2V/400mA Solar Panel
18AEffect of Load on Solar Panel OutputGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind 2V/400mA Solar Panel
18BFill Factor and IV Curve of a Solar PanelGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Go Direct® Voltage Probe, Vernier Variable Load (2)
19Variables Affecting Solar Panel OutputGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind 2V/400mA Solar Panel, Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor
20Effect of Temperature on Solar Panel OutputGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Go Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind 2V/400mA Solar Panel
21Project: Build a Solar ChargerGo Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, KidWind 2V/400mA Solar Panel (2)
22Exploring Passive Solar HeatingGo Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor
23Variables Affecting Passive Solar HeatingGo Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor (2)
24Exploring Solar CollectorsGo Direct® Light and Color Sensor, Go Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor, Solar Thermal Exploration Kit
25Variables Affecting Solar CollectorsGo Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor, Solar Thermal Exploration Kit
26Project: Solar CookerGo Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor

What's Included

Electronic Version

  • EQuIP rubric friendly experiments—each shows connections to NGSS
  • 26 experiments and engineering projects in wind and solar energy
  • Access to up-to-date versions of the experiments
  • Essential teacher information for successful experiments and projects
  • Instructions for data collection with LabQuest App and Logger Pro 3
  • A generous site license—buy one book and duplicate labs for your class
  • Word-processing files of the student experiments, so you can edit the files to match your teaching preferences

Printed Lab Book

When you buy the printed lab book you receive all of the resources listed for the electronic version, plus a printed copy of the book.

Sample Download

Preview “Exploring Wind Turbines” from Renewable Energy with Vernier. The preview download includes student instructions, teacher tips, sample data, and more.

Download sample experiment


Contact Us

  • Recommended: Online support
  • Email: support@vernier.com
  • Toll-free: 1-888-837-6437

Educational use only: Vernier products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical, or commercial applications.