These specifications are for the Vernier Mini GC (GC-MINI, discontinued):
Specifications and User Guide

If you have a Vernier Mini GC Plus (GC2-MINI), the specifications are available here: Specifications and User Guide and here: Mini GC Plus Gas Chromatograph Troubleshooting and FAQs

-Inconsistent flow: Check and replace septum
-Inconsistent peak areas: Check injection volume, septum
-Inconsistent retention times: Check septum, pump
-No communication: Check USB cables or make sure you are using correct software versions.
-No power: Check to make sure power plugs are plugged in properly and that the power switch is on.

*The Hamilton syringe that is shipped with the device has a brown bumper on the needle. Do NOT remove this. You will damage the instrument.
*Make sure you have referred to the list of acceptable compounds in the user guide before attempting to inject new compounds.
*You CANNOT inject samples that contain more than 5% water. This will ruin the detector.

Best Practice Techniques for Vernier gas chromatographs
Can I inject water into Vernier gas chromatographs?
Can I inject a gas into the Vernier gas chromatographs?
Where can I buy the substances used in the Mini GC lab manual?
What size needle do Vernier gas chromatographs require?
Where can I order the syringe for Vernier gas chromatographs?
Where can I buy the substances used in the Mini GC lab manual?
The peak heights on my Vernier gas chromatograph are lower than they were previously.
My Vernier gas chromatograph pressure won't get above 15 kPa.
My Mini GC or Mini GC Plus suddenly drops its connection.
How long will the Mini GC/Mini GC Plus column last?
Can I purchase a replacement power supply for my Vernier gas chromatograph?

GC Septa (package of 4) (GC-SEP)
Mini GC 1 μL Hamilton Syringe (GC-SYR-MIC)
For column and/or sensor replacement, email for assistance.