Looking for an innovative way to teach your students about Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution? Comparative physiology experiments are a great approach to explore this central concept in biology. 

In honor of Darwin Day on February 12, our biology team has developed an experiment that investigates the comparative physiology of snails and fish. This experiment is an excellent way for students to learn about evolutionary biology concepts.

Comparative Physiology of Snails and FishA comparison of the respiration rates of fish and snails

In this experiment, students measure the respiration rate of an aquatic snail, a goldfish (Carassius auratus), and a Betta fish (Betta splendens) using a small respiration chamber and a Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe.

Get the experiment overview and download the instructions.
Evolution-Related Activities from Investigating Biology through Inquiry

Other Evolution-Related Activities

  • Exploring the Evolution of Temperature Regulation in Marine Mammals
  • Studying the Diving Reflex in the Laboratory
  • Study the Evolution of Respiratory Systems with the Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor