Where Does The Energy Go?
Marta R. Stoeckel (Tartan High School, Oakdale, MN); The Science Teacher, Vol. 85, No. 1, January, 2018.
This article explains how to use evidence-based reasoning to study the bounce of a ball. It is linked to NGSS standards and the authors use Logger Pro™ 3 video analysis to plot a ball’s position.
Incorporating a Farm into Our Science Curriculum—An Innovative Twist
Carrie Herndon; Science Scope, Summer 2017.
Herndon’s classes monitor chicken growth using our Force Plate, use robots with the chickens, and monitor temperature inside a bee hive.
Letting Students Discover the Power, and the Limits, of Simple Models: Coulomb’s Law
Peter Bohacek, Joseph Dill and Emma Boehm (Henry Sibley High School), and Matthew Vonk (University of Wisconson River Falls); The Physics Teacher, Vol. 55, No. 6, November, 2017.
This article examines a Coulomb’s law experiment using Pivot Interactives. Students are confronted with explaining why unexpected results occur in some situations.
A New Take on Exploding Carts
Darren Broder (Siena College), James Burleigh (Schuylerville High School) Matthew Christian (Berlin Central High School). Shawn Mowry (Bethlehem High School), George E. Hassel (Siena College); The Physics Teacher, Vol. 55, No. 8, November, 2017.
The authors use our Dynamics Cart and Track System and Logger Pro™ 3 software, but they modify the standard “exploding carts” experiment by replacing one of the carts with a hanging mass. This allows a wider range of variation in the masses and a different type of analysis.
Math Machines: Using Actuators in Physics Classes
Frederick J. Thomas (Learning with Math Machines, Inc.), Robery A. Chaney, Marta Gruesbeck (Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH); The Physics Teacher, Vol. 56, No. 1, January, 2018.
We have worked with Math Machines for a long time; they use motors, LEDs, and other devices for interesting projects. You can use their software to enter mathematical functions to control the output, and the results are often then plotted with Logger Pro™ 3 software. It is a great way to connect physics, mathematical functions, and models.