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Back-to-School Shopping List

Our top five products for K–8 and high school hands-on STEM learning

Explore Our Must-Have Back-to-School Products

Vernier Science Education is committed to providing high-quality solutions for hands-on STEM learning. As students and educators head back to school, our technical support specialists have pulled together their top five recommended Vernier products for K–8 and high school STEM classrooms. Whether you’re newly introduced to our solutions or looking to add to what you already have, these must-have products should be on your list!

Note: All our Go Direct® products connect via Bluetooth® wireless technology or via USB to your device.

K–8 Shopping List

Software for Data Collection, Visualization, and Analysis

Vernier Graphical Analysis Pro

With our award-winning Graphical Analysis Pro app, students can visualize scientific data collected from Vernier sensors—boosting their understanding and engagement using rich, real-time graphs. This easy-to-use-app works on operating systems commonly found in the classroom.

For Teaching Physical Science

Go Direct Motion Detector

The Go Direct Motion Detector uses ultrasound to measure the position, velocity, and acceleration of moving objects.

For Teaching Environmental Science

Go Direct Surface Temperature Sensor

The Go Direct Surface Temperature Sensor is designed for use in situations in which low thermal mass or flexibility is required. This sensor has an exposed thermistor that results in an extremely rapid response time, making it perfect for use in air and water.

For Teaching Earth Science

Go Direct Weather System

The Go Direct Weather System includes an affordable, wireless handheld sensor used to measure ambient temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind chill, dew point, barometric pressure, and more.

For Teaching Renewable Energy

KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit

This popular kit allows young scientists to test a variety of blade designs, generate electricity, and lift weights.

Wind Energy Explorations lab book

Examine renewable energy, wind power, and engineering design with these nine  downloadable experiments written for middle school science. Suitable for grades 4–8.

High School Shopping List

Software for Data Collection, Visualization, and Analysis

Vernier Graphical Analysis Pro

With our award-winning Graphical Analysis Pro app, students can visualize scientific data collected from Vernier sensors—boosting their understanding and engagement using rich, real-time graphs. This easy-to-use-app works on operating systems commonly found in the classroom.

physics icon

For Teaching Physics

Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct Sensor Cart

This completely wireless system simplifies experiment setup and allows basic experiments to be conducted with or without the track.

chemistry icon

For Teaching Chemistry

Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer
The Go Direct SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer is an affordable way to introduce your students to spectroscopy. Its versatility and compact size make it a great option for your classroom.

For Teaching Biology

Go Direct CO2 Gas Sensor

The Go Direct CO2 Gas Sensor measures gaseous carbon dioxide concentration levels, air temperature, and relative humidity. It can be used in a variety of biology experiments.

For Teaching Physical Science

Go Direct Temperature Probe

The Go Direct Temperature Probe is a rugged, general-purpose sensor that students can use to monitor temperature. Unlike a traditional thermometer, the Go Direct Temperature Probe allows students to collect real-time temperature measurements of a single instance or over a period of time. Its range and wireless capability make the Go Direct Temperature Probe the go-to sensor for real-world applications.

Need Help?

Do you have questions about which solutions are right for your classroom?
We can help.
Contact our experts at support@vernier.com or 1-888-837-6437.