Most consumer electronics devices will not work with our USB adapters. We currently sell two USB adapters for Vernier and Texas Instruments products.

Go! to Easy Adapter (USB-MINI)

This adapter was intended for a Go!Link (revision 2 or newer) or Go!Temp to be connected to a TI-Nspire or TI-84 calculator. It has a USB Standard-A receptacle and a USB Mini-A plug.

Easy to Go! Adapter (MINI-USB)

This adapter is to allow the EasyTemp or EasyLink to connect to a computer for use with Vernier software, such as Graphical Analysis 4, or Texas Instruments software, such as TI-84 SmartView or TI-Nspire computer software . It has a USB Mini-A receptacle and a USB Standard-A plug.

Most consumer devices will not work with our adapters because they generally use USB Mini-B. A USB Mini-B plug does not work with a USB Mini-A receptacle and a USB Mini-A plug does not work with a USB Mini-B receptacle.

The USB “standard” is unfortunately confusing with two types of mini plugs. One more consideration is that there is a special type of USB mini receptacle, which is a USB Mini-AB, which is a mini receptacle that can accept USB Mini-A and USB Mini-B plugs. For further reading about USB connectors, please refer to:

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