Three different high school groups launched LabPros in rockets as part of the NASA Student Launch Initiative Program this spring. The teams were given the mission of building a rocket that would go one mile high carrying a scientific payload, take data, and then return safely. A team from University School of Milwaukee, WI launched two LabPros with an Accelerometer, UVA, UVB, and CO2 sensors. A team from Skyline HS, Sammamish, WA, launched a LabPro with a UVA, UVB, and Light Sensor. A third team from Oakton HS, Vienna, VA used a 3-Axis Accelerometer and Surface Temperature Sensor.
The sample graph below shows the acceleration of the Milwaukee rocket during the launch. Marked on the graph are the launch, apogee and drogue parachute deployment, main parachute deployment, and landing. They won the “Best Payload Design” Award.