In August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (a body of the United Nations) released a report that the UN secretary-general described as “a code......
Nicole Hernandez Hammer wears many hats—she is a sea level researcher, a climate change expert, and an environmental justice advocate. And, as part of this......
For over a year now it has been undoubtedly challenging to deliver the hands-on learning experiences that are so important to helping students make meaningful......
Climate change is the cause of a number of devastating consequences facing our planet. However, one often overlooked problem keeping the environmental science community busy right now is ocean acidification....
Vernier helps you keep experiments simple. Using our multi-channel , students can simultaneously measure dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L), percent saturation (%), and water temperature. Students......
As part of their commitment to STEM education and hands-on learning, Vernier sponsored this year’s National KidWind Challenge in which teams of students test the energy output of wind turbines they designed and built. This event strengthens students’ critical thinking...
The environmental community certainly has its hands full with all the issues facing our planet today. While climate change is a popular issue, many related,......
Earth Day is a perfect opportunity to get your students engaged in a conversation about conservation and sustainability. By incorporating hands-on activities and experiments that......
STREAM Girls, a new outdoor STEM program for girls, is a partnership between Trout Unlimited and the Girl Scouts of America. Using water quality testing......