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Engineering Projects with NI LabVIEW and Vernier

Engineering Projects with NI LabVIEW and Vernier

Engineering Projects with NI LabVIEW and Vernier


Introduce engineering concepts and programming with 12 projects about feedback and control, servo and stepper motors, and more.


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Education Levels

Engineering Projects with NI LabVIEW™ and Vernier contains engaging hands-on projects for SensorDAQ, LabQuest, or LabQuest Mini. Students are introduced to engineering concepts and programming with NI LabVIEW software. An introductory knowledge of NI LabVIEW programming is assumed (see our lab book Hands-On Introduction to NI LabVIEW if your students are new to NI LabVIEW).

This book introduces many important science and engineering concepts, including analog and digital input, sensors and how they are calibrated, feedback and control, analog and digital output, servo and stepper motors, PID control, pulse-width modulation, voltage dividers and Wheatstone bridges.

This book describes twelve sensor-based projects that your students can build and program. Each project starts with a set of design requirements devoted to a specific engineering application. After the students have successfully mastered the goals set forth in the project, they are offered a challenge to further test their construction and/or programming skills. Some activities even offer an extreme challenge involving more complex logic or mathematics.

The activities are loosely ranked in order of increasing difficulty (Project 1 is easier than Project 12).

NI LabVIEW software is sold separately by National Instruments.

Table of Contents

ExperimentSuggested Products
1Build a Temperature SensorSurface Temperature Sensor, Breadboard Cable (Analog)
2Digital Control SystemsSurface Temperature Sensor, Digital Control Unit
3LED Color MixerDigital Control Unit
4Hot Wire AnemometerDigital Control Unit, Surface Temperature Sensor
5DC Motor ControlDigital Control Unit, Photogate
6Light Intensity & Stepper MotorsDigital Control Unit, Light Sensor
7Servo MotorsDigital Control Unit, Photogate
8Analyzing the Heart with EKGDigital Control Unit, EKG Sensor
9Blood PressureBlood Pressure Sensor, Digital Control Unit
10Strain Gage MeasurementsInstrumentation Amplifier, Breadboard Cable (Analog)
11Propeller-Powered PendulumDigital Control Unit, Power Amplifier, Rotary Motion Sensor
12PID Ping Pong Ball LevitationMotion Detector, Power Amplifier, Digital Control Unit

What's Included

  • 12 ready-to-use student projects with challenge exercises
  • Access to up-to-date versions of the experiments
  • Essential instructor information including construction and programming tips and extensions
  • Word-processing files of the student sections, so you can edit the files to match your teaching preferences
  • NI LabVIEW sample programs for all projects and challenges
  • A generous site license­—buy one book and duplicate the experiments for your class


Contact Us

  • Recommended: Online support
  • Email: support@vernier.com
  • Toll-free: 1-888-837-6437

Educational use only: Vernier products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical, or commercial applications.