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Remote Learning Solutions for College

Keep students engaged in science with our remote learning solutions.

As the educational world continues to reel from the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic, we want to let you know that we’re here to help.

Campuses everywhere are experiencing extended closures and disruptions due to COVID-19, and some colleges are integrating online learning into the next school year. We know that instructors are scrambling to find remote learning solutions as they’re having to transition their classes and labs to an online format with no prep time. 

For those in need of additional help, the CARES Act provides funding for colleges and universities to help ease the burden. Navigating the CARES Act can be daunting; we found this resource helpful.

Below, explore available resources including free training webinars and the Vernier Video Analysis app.

Free Webinar for Educators

Getting Started with Vernier Remote Learning Resources​

General Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

This free webinar will help you get started using our remote learning resources. Vernier STEM Training Director, David Carter, walks you through demonstrations of Vernier Video Analysisâ„¢, and other useful resources that will help students engage with science, even from a distance.

Vernier Resources

General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Free 30-Day Trial

With the new Graphical Analysis Pro app, users can insert, view, and sync a video to sensor data for inspection and analysis. This app is perfect for engaging students—either remotely or in the lab—in more advanced analysis of data from biology, chemistry, and physics experiments.

Watch a Free Webinar on enlivening remote education with Graphical Analysis Pro.

General Science, Physics

Free 30-Day Trial

Vernier Video Analysis app is a physics-focused tool where students insert their own videos with recorded motion and mark points to track the object in motion. This app brings physics and video analysis to all your students regardless of their location.

Watch a Free Webinar on exploring motion with Vernier Video Analysis.

Engineering, Coding


These free starter activities are designed to provide an introduction to coding as well as a lesson in sensor technology using Vernier sensors and Arduino microcontrollers. Students get excited when they see coding come to life through hands-on technology. Integrating Vernier sensor technology with Arduino shows students how the physical world connects to the computer-centric activity of learning to code.

Partner Resources

Biology, Chemistry

Free 90-day trial

ADInstruments and Vernier have joined forces to create interactive courses for biology and chemistry that are designed for use in their remote learning instruction. A collection of experiments with sample data derived from biology and chemistry lab books helps educators teach crucial scientific concepts. The intuitive Lt interface makes for a richer online experience for students and educators alike.

Human Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Renewable Energy

Use Lab Builder, the robust content library by LabArchives, to customize experiments easily using a digital laboratory notebook and course management tools. You can also access Lab Builder to customize the experiments for different lab setups, equipment, and learning objectives.

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are trademarks of Arduino SA.