Monitor angular motion easily and precisely with the Go Direct Rotary Motion Sensor. The wireless connection eliminates the cables that can get caught and tangled......
Teach students about the scientific aspects of real-life physical phenomena, such as the solar eclipse. Check out the data, available for free, collected with Vernier......
An eddy current brake is a non-contact braking system, most commonly used in trains and roller coasters. In an eddy current brake, magnets are used......
A new LabVIEW installer is now available for LabVIEW versions 2016 and 2017, which makes it possible for you to collect data with LabQuest Stream......
One of the best features of Vernier sensors is that they have built-in auto-ID capability. We have created an Arduino library for our sensors that......
The 2017 AAPT Photo Contest, sponsored by Vernier, was held at the summer meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers in Cincinnati, Ohio. Students......
To encourage hands-on learning and student innovation, Vernier is sponsoring the 2017 National KidWind Challenge in which students will create and test hand-crafted wind turbines.......
Doug Anderson of Brentwood High School in Nashville, Tennessee, was the 2016 recipient of the National Association of Biology Teachers’ NABT Ecology/Environmental Science Teaching Award.......