Looking for ways to make math more accessible to your students? Help them build confidence in math and science concepts by using real-time data collection!......
In an era where renewable energy plays a major role in a sustainable future, educational initiatives like KidWind Challenges are increasingly relevant. These practical design......
Anticipating a projected 10.8% growth in STEM occupations over the next decade, the STEM Academy of Hollywood, a pilot high school in Hollywood, California, emphasizes......
What do science students get when teachers connect Vernier Go Direct® sensors with TI’s Python-capable graphing calculators? An easy-to-use, portable and wireless data collection system that......
Looking for a way to explore solar energy in your class—and promote hands-on science learning at the same time? KidWind, our line of renewable energy......
All students benefit when they can apply physics principles and concepts by building something. Having that real-world connection can help make physics easier to understand.......
Hispanic workers represent just 8 percent of the STEM workforce, according to the Pew Research Center. The Latino STEM Alliance (LSA) seeks to increase that......
Roosevelt Community Education Center, an alternative high school in Rockford, Illinois, provides a nontraditional learning environment with unique educational opportunities for students at the secondary......
At the University at Buffalo, the introductory first-year engineering course consists of about 600 students—and the amount of academic preparation and experience, as well as......